“War” an unnecessary event for a ‘United mankind’
by Janak Shalini (1353 words)
Humans lack understanding and the promise of a better future is dawning through the ‘knowledge’ era.
People will be wise soon, wars have proven their doom. Inaction being the weapon of this age of destruction, Awakening the self, the remedy the resolution, the deliverance is in learning coexistence.
Wars are Mechanistic, individualistic, why would there be a chance of hope in this?
Definition of ‘War’ —> a state of fighting between different countries or groups within countries using armies and weapons
Fighting means to contend in battle or physical combat. especially : to strive to overcome a person by blows or weapons.
The Indian Defense budget 2025 : 13.45%
In the human body which is the marvel of a physicochemical evolution, we have 1% white blood cells that are governing our immune system and which is in charge of our body being saved for external infections and attacks
Even fewer than that are platelet cells that actually stop blood loss in small wounds. All this is proof that the body’s organs are working in harmony with each other. How can so many cells be just governed by just 1% policing?
So, evolution has designed us such that we are social, that we think of the other, be it with our emotional mirroring or with the fact that we feel a resonance of pain when we see it in others.
(Many case studies prove this that we feel connected to a person who is kind and away from the person who is selfish and immoral) This side of the brain also popularly known as the Neocortex is not rooted as much as the primitive brain. The neocortex brain is for emotions and social cohesiveness. That needs nurturing and needs to flower with understanding and portray the understanding within our family, society and world at large.
Wars as we all know are part of a great profit centric business. For what? So that a few corporations can make money out of the lives lost. And These wars are mostly so that mineral rich places are kept under exploitation powers like the wars in DRC or the wars in Ukraine. Most often than not everyone is okay without creating a war but some people use the media and instill fear into the people so that wars are justified in the false pretence of protection and declared necessary to safeguard the people who are fearful.
It’s imperative that we see the truth of unity that exists already between humans, we are a cosmic spec of dust in the vastness of space, yet we seem to be the only ones that have to blame or congratulate for what happens to humanity. Either we get it right, and survive and indeed thrive with understanding or we just stoop to the loops of what’s bigger, better, profitable.
It can’t all go in vain. War brings no harmony, no addition to harmony, no resolution to what already is evident. Therefore, its very case is dismissed as an agenda to whatever the vastness of profits it might bring. It is a total and utterly shameless act, bestowed upon the future generations by force, without their intent or intervention. The old native Indians have a great philosophy of looking at the ‘great grand child’s’ face before taking a decision in the present. We indeed need to take that scenario right now. Are our children and great grandchildren happy with our present decisions? Will we be able to justify our actions to their satisfaction? For a child is born as a vessel of justice and a speaker of truth. Will we now be able to tell him/her what we did, was for their good?
Let’s talk about what is at stake. The balance that the Earth and existence as a whole achieved for millions of years is being challenged and indeed reversed, the superior species that still add and coexist in nature, the value of it all and its cyclicity. Do we even dare to replicate a single leaf in the lab? Can we even comprehend the complexities of the seasons, the bees and its business, the flower and the fruit, how they all are in order - promoting orderliness.
Can we sing the song of gratitude, loud enough to pay for the unlimited varieties of gifts that happen to us everyday? Or is war an easy way? To make ouserself’s worth worthy. Isn’t it just that? That we don’t know for a fact what we truly need to do, and so like a buck ready to fight we just swell our GDP, & make the biggest budget for war and artillery? Is that it? So that we can be the greatest defensive country?
When we think of it, it might actually be rightful to give children a deciding role of whether to go to war. Is war natural?
We as adults have truly failed, given our philosophies, our education and our old religious tales. We are not, even in the slightest manner, qualified to make decisions like this. To kill our own kind, after all that grandeur that exists. We just lack knowledge, isn’t that what needs to be spread? Not bombs, carpeting the surface of some land.
People in power are chosen by people in despair, this is warranted by the fact that they are still in power.
When a human is in harmony, how can he or she accept the agenda of the authority to push for disharmony?
The watchdog is us, the granter for the government’s purchases and inventions of war is us. The human is in disharmony, let’s face it. We have made the noise of war due to the lack of music in our lives.
We find solace in thinking we have a cure of victory to our disharmony within by enforcing force and segregating ourselves from the rest of humanity in the name of rights, rituals or simply ignorance.
Our lives, lived as if there is no tomorrow. Gathering, storing, facing the day with the unknown. Our intellect being wasted in judging instead of co-producing, Our time spent in filling our own coffers so that we can try to avoid death’s stare when we retire - instead of seeing the truth here now and focusing on bonding stronger with our relationships.
War is just a culmination of what’s all falsehood. To the extent of the detriment of the planet, we as a single species are now responsible for the untimely deaths of living things and the sole debtors to the lost varieties of Earth’s species.
Indeed it was these species that flourished in the first place, for mankind to appear, and now we are at war with them indirectly or directly, weakening our own foothold on the human race to survive, to be a success and to thrive.
When business is considered, we see that all business does is procure the inputs at the lowest expense; be it cheap labour out of the country, cheap raw material and so on. We see that business actually is driven by creating a product with technological depreciation (when a product becomes obsolete simply because of new and better technology) and substandard products to keep driving sales every year to impress the shareholders. Who are these shareholders? They are us, so there we have it. We are responsible for the divisions between being environmentalists or being exploitative with our nature.
No matter how deeply we think about it, we have to come to a standpoint that we need to educate our need’s impact in retrospect to the rest of things, even people.
In conclusion, we can understand both the urgency and the reason why we need to stop wars. Wars have many complicated reasons to exist, but fundamentally, they happen due to the division of the self from existence as a whole. When we see ourselves part of everything else, then we will dawn upon the age of interconnectedness and live free from hoarding and demand supply saturations and fully comprehend that we are alive and will be in gratitude to the rest of the orderliness that we are surrounded by, part of and within.
“War” an unnecessary event for a ‘United mankind’

Janak Shalini ji