Story of a Pigeon

In my colony, a few days ago, I witnessed a scene that has further strengthened my belief that by nature, human beings derive happiness when they help others. The scene goes like this:

A young man, around 30 years old, sees a pigeon trapped in kite thread, hanging about 2 metres down from a branch of a tree. The position of the pigeon was such that it was not possible for anyone to approach it by merely climbing the adjacent branches of trees, as they were too far away from the pigeon.

This young man, named Sanjay, was moved when he saw the helpless pigeon from his first-floor flat in front of the tree. He discussed the issue of saving the pigeon with the Government of India’s Animal Welfare Department. Following their advice, he contacted the Fire Department. Within half an hour, the Fire Department sent a vehicle to the site where the pigeon was trapped.

The vehicle had an adjustable ladder that could extend to around 35 feet, while the pigeon was hanging at a height of about 30 feet from the ground. A firefighter climbed the ladder and, after reaching the pigeon, freed it from the kite thread that had ensnared it. He brought the pigeon down, where a gathering of around ten to fifteen people had assembled. Everyone there was praying for the pigeon to be set free, and when it finally was, the whole crowd shared in the pigeon’s relief and happiness. This clearly demonstrates the saying: when you help collectively, you experience happiness.

Mahendra ji