Chapter 1:A Quest for Understanding

Rashmi and Deepa, two young girls living as neighbours, often sought refuge on the terrace of their homes, basking in the tranquil shade of swaying tree branches. One sunny day, as they sat together on the terrace, Rashmi’s attention was captured by an article she found in the newspaper, delving into the troubling topic of international conflicts.
Rashmi, engrossed in her reading, couldn’t help but voice out, her thoughts to Deepa.
Rashmi: “In some countries, Christians and Muslims are engaging in riots, and in others, Hindus and Muslims are clashing as well. Do you think there could ever be a solution to all this turmoil?”
Deepa, two years younger than Rashmi, nodded thoughtfully, showing her agreement.
Deepa: “Maybe your elder brother could help us find some answers.”
Rashmi let out a sigh, gazing into the distance.
Rashmi: “Yes, he’s currently studying in another town. But once his semester ends, he will return, and perhaps he can shed some light on our questions.”
Rashmi and Deepa attended different schools, both renowned institutions within their town. Interestingly, both schools were run by Christian nuns, while Rashmi and Deepa hailed from Hindu families. This disparity sparked an intriguing conversation between the two girls, as they attempted to unravel the true meaning of religion.
Deepa’s father, a learned man in matters of faith, had delved deep into the study of Hindu scriptures. However, in his personal life, he found himself entangled in constant strife with his wife. Rashmi’s father faced similar challenges with Rashmi’s mother. Occasionally, both fathers would express their frustrations, lamenting, “All women do is complain and nag. We simply have to endure it.” Likewise, Deepa and Rashmi’s mothers blamed men for their own miseries, fostering an atmosphere where differing perspectives rarely converged, even within the same household. The society in which Rashmi and Deepa grew up was characterized by a rigid mindset, perpetuating a linear understanding of life. Amidst this cultural stagnation, the two girls found themselves yearning for something more.
One day, Rashmi proposed an idea to Deepa, her eyes shining with curiosity.
Rashmi: “Why don’t we ask your father for religion classes? We have so many questions, and he seems to have a wealth of knowledge.”
Deepa, deeply respecting Rashmi, readily agreed to the suggestion.
Rashmi approached Deepa’s father, expressing their eagerness to learn about religion. Deepa’s father, appreciating their enthusiasm, responded with an intriguing proposition.

Deepa’s Father: “If you truly seek to understand religion, I suggest delving into the teachings written in scriptures for Hindus.”
Rashmi eagerly embraced the opportunity, excited to embark on this intellectual journey. Her mother, delighted by her daughter’s interest in learning about Hinduism, offered her support. Whenever Deepa’s father found a spare moment, he dedicated his time to teaching the two eager students.
Little did Rashmi and Deepa know that their quest for knowledge would unveil a path filled with revelations, leading them closer to a forgotten goal that would redefine their perception of religion and unity.

Chapter 2: Seeking Understanding Beyond Boundaries

Rashmi’s mother, known for her caring nature, served them warm cups of tea, accompanied by fried delicacies and an assortment of sweets. The aroma filled the room as Rashmi and Deepa sat together, savouring the treats while engaging in deep conversation.
From Rashmi’s perspective, her journey went beyond simply learning the text. She found herself comparing the ideologies of Hinduism and Christianity, fueled by her natural curiosity. Interestingly, Rashmi also had three classmates who practiced Islam. However, her mother held reservations about Rashmi mingling with them, perceiving her own religion as being of greater value. Nevertheless, Rashmi’s friendship with her Muslim classmates remained unaffected, as she embraced their company at school.
Within the school setting, Rashmi excelled in various subjects, including religious studies, languages, moral science, geography, civics and history. She possessed a creative inclination and had a particular fondness for drawing.
Months passed by, and Rashmi and Deepa dedicated themselves to the rigorous study of Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam, exploring the nuances of each faith. They immersed themselves in books, seeking a comprehensive understanding of these diverse religions.
One day, as they sat together on the terrace, surrounded by the gentle breeze and the soft rays of the sun, they decided it was time to consolidate their thoughts and write down their conclusions in an unbiased manner. Rashmi turned to Deepa, her eyes filled with contemplation.
Rashmi: “One thing is undeniably clear, Deepa. Regardless of the religion people follow, they all face similar issues within their families. Take, for example, my parents, who practice Hinduism. Then there’s our Irish principal, a devoted Christian, and our neighbouring family who practices Islam. Yet, all three encounter conflicts within their relationships, be it between spouses or among siblings. And all three share a deep love and care for their children. Despite these intricate details within their lives, they all present themselves admirably on the outside. Whether it’s visiting a temple, a church, or a mosque, they find solace in their respective places of worship.”
Deepa listened attentively, her eyes reflecting Rashmi’s contemplative gaze. She nodded in agreement, recognizing the universality of human experiences that transcended religious boundaries.
Deepa: “You’re right, Rashmi. It’s fascinating how despite the diversity in religious practices, our observations reveal a common thread that unites all individuals, regardless of their faith. i am wondering,what is that common thread?”
Rashmi smiled, appreciating Deepa’s insightful response and query.
As the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the terrace, Rashmi and Deepa continued their heartfelt conversation, ready to unravel more mysteries, challenge preconceptions, and embark on a path of enlightenment.

Chapter 3: Exploring Conclusions

Rashmi is eager to meet Deepa. She rings the bell of Deepa’s house.
Deepa: “Hello. Welcome. You look really happy.”
Rashmi: “Yes, I have come to a conclusion. Do you want to hear it?”
Deepa: “Yes sure. Please tell me.”
Rashmi: “Deepa. our realization brings us one step closer to understanding the essence of religion and the common thread of problems lies in their family structure. Our journey has just begun, and there is much more to explore.”
Deepa agreed, her eyes filled with understanding.
Deepa: “You mean to say that despite their religious differences, they all face similar challenges in their personal lives. No matter which religion they practice, issues within families and friendships are universal.”
Rashmi nodded, her face shining with enthusiasm.
Rashmi: “Exactly, Deepa. The ultimate goal of religion, as I understand it, is to attain permanent happiness within oneself, establish harmony and mutual satisfaction within families, and create a conflict-free society without any shaming or biasness. I came across these ideas in a book on co-existentialism by A. Nagraj.”
Deepa looked at Rashmi in awe, inspired by her profound understanding.
Deepa: “That’s amazing, Rashmi. To start with, maybe we can conduct a research on solving the various problems that people commonly face within their families.”
Rashmi agreed, recognizing the importance of their inquiry.
Rashmi: “You’re right, Deepa. Let’s take on this research project together and explore the potential outcomes of religion in addressing these challenges.”
Over the following months, Rashmi and Deepa meticulously observed the impact of religion on individuals and families. Rashmi diligently recorded their findings in her diary, while Deepa, showcasing her creativity, compiled a collection of newspaper cuttings to support their conclusions.
Finally, the time came for Rashmi to share their discoveries with the world. She decided to voice their conclusions in various settings.
Rashmi: “Deepa, please lend me your diary of newspaper cuttings. I want to present our findings to my school, as well as to your father. And later, I’ll discuss it with my friends’ parents who practice Islam.”
Deepa handed over her diary to Rashmi, showing her trust and support.
Deepa: “Of course, Rashmi. I can’t accompany you to your school since I attend a different one, but you can use my diary to support our conclusions.”

The next day, Rashmi stood before her classmates, sharing her conclusions on the impact of religion on families. Her words resonated with her peers, and she received appreciation for her thoughtful insights. Later that evening, she spoke to Deepa’s father, who listened attentively and acknowledged the depth of the research.
Finally, Rashmi approached her friends’ parents who practiced Islam and engaged in a meaningful conversation about their shared experiences.
Although Rashmi received appreciation, there was a comment that confused her.
Friend’s Parent practising Islam: “You have such a unique perspective, Rashmi. Your deep understanding of the similarities between religions and the issues faced by individuals could lead you down the path of atheism.”
Being labeled an “atheist” left her perplexed. She pondered upon the comment, questioning her own beliefs and the implications of her research. Uncertainty clouded her mind as she grappled with the label assigned to her.
She wondered if her quest for understanding had inadvertently led her towards an unexpected destination.

Chapter 4: Discovering the True Goal

The next day, Rashmi’s elder brother returned home, after completing his semester examinations.. As Rashmi sat engrossed in writing her diary, she didn’t notice her brother’s presence in the room. After completing her thoughts, Rashmi finally looked up from her chair and was surprised to see her brother.
Rashmi: “Hurray! You’re finally here! I didn’t even realize you were in the room. It’s so good to see you.”
Rashmi’s brother smiled and sat next to her, eager to catch up.
They spent the afternoon chatting and sharing stories. Eventually, Rashmi mustered the courage to ask her brother about the confusion surrounding the term “atheist.”
Rashmi: “Brother, everyone appreciates my research and conclusions, but they also label me as an atheist. What does that mean?”
Her brother chuckled and gently explained the term to Rashmi.
Rashmi’s brother: “Dear Rashmi, atheists are generally referred to those people who do not practice religion. However, I believe people are misunderstanding you. What you are highlighting is the overarching goal of humanity. Perhaps you mean happiness, peace, contentment, and bliss, that universally every human being wants.Am I right?”
Rashmi nodded in agreement, relieved to have a clearer understanding.
Rashmi: “Yes, exactly! And I believe these goals can only be achieved when we learn to live in harmony .Our family relationships serve as a reflection of our belief systems. If we promote humanity and civility within our own homes, we can spread it in society.”
Rashmi’s sister felt immense pride for her sister’s wisdom and insight. Before she could respond, Deepa entered the room, and Rashmi’s brother warmly greeted her. The two of them engaged in a lively conversation, sharing their perspectives and experiences.
As Rashmi observed her brother and Deepa conversing, she glanced at a newspaper article on the table, highlighting religious riots. In that moment, she found solace in the fact that this room was filled with people who held a solution to such conflicts.
Returning to her diary, Rashmi continued writing, inspired by a book on co-existentialism by A.Nagraj. After finishing her article, she called out to Deepa and her sister.
Rashmi: “I’m going to send this article to the newspaper tomorrow. What should I title it?”
Deepa thought for a moment and confidently said,
”’The Forgotten Goal of a Human Being’?”

Vidhi ji
